Hi Dick, concerning generators----my first one--4  nine volt batteries-a 
meter-(33k resistors) -9999 silver wire & an 8 oz.  salsa jar that  {{  I 
boiled, rinsed with vinegar, rinsed with  distilled water & rinsed with CS }} 
Everyone said keep everything clean  !!  This worked great & produced really 
good CS.
  I got a silver puppy for my  daughter....
    After helping so many people &  pets I finally ordered a gallon making 
set up from Abe--   _www.atlasnova.com ..._ (http://atlasnova.com/)   This 
is the one I  use all the time & it works great--I use a gallon glass pickle 
jar that I  prepared the same way I did my little salsa jar.. I get really 
good CS  & am able to give it away to those who need it.
   Just a couple  stories for you-- I know of 2 people who had loved ones 
saved by CS--1. A friend  whose husband had been given his last rights 3 days 
in a row--she was planning his funeral. A friend  told her about CS & she 
started sneaking it into the hospital to him ---In  5-6 days he was feeling 
better---He got out of the hospital & is still  alive---( this was about 4-5 
yrs ago.) It was the first I ever heard of  Colloidal silver. From there on 
I have been awed by what it can do...2. A friend  in Texas took it with her 
when she was called to Tenn. Her father was dying  & family all gathered 
there..She gave it to him on the sly---He lives in  Virginia now.. 3. A 
friend's wife cut her upper thigh when she fell on the  ice--got MERSA when 
sewed it up.14 months back & forth to the Dr.  Finally she was sent to a "hard 
cure " Center in Rochester.. They used CS &  In, again--, 5-6 days showed 
improvement--went home & it healed-----4 A  friend started suffering from 
shingles. I asked her if she wanted to try CS. She  said she would try anything 
!!! She started taking a teaspoon a day &  applying the CS to the itchy 
area.  It cleared in about a week. Came back  once when she stopped taking the 
CS.. She ordered a generator from Abe-- makes  her own CS & takes a tsp. 
about 2-3 times a week.--No more flair ups... 5.  There is what I call "Brooks 
Mix" { He is one who posts on this site & does  loads of research}  It 
is---75 % CS---10 % DMSO-- & 15 %  glycerine  { I use a shot glass to mix it-- 
shots CS-- 1 shot DMSO &  a little over a shot of glycerin It will get warm 
when you mix & shake it  before you use it.}  Have helped so many people & 
pets with bad  skin conditions .
    I'll quit there but just wanted you to know  some of the things I have 
heard & experienced since I learned about CS  (EIS)  You May want to visit 
the DMSO list as it is used as a carrier for  CS. & is also a wonderful 
healer. --Yahoo group-_DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO  sign in_ 
(http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO/)   Another good 
yahoo site is CS for 
pets---_SilverPets  :sign in_ 
   Good luck, & stay with us....I'm  still learning here, Lois