Most of this is nonsense, and some of it applies to "Camphorated Oil", and other versions, which are way more toxic. Most camphor, has very little camphor in it. It's actually illegal to sell over 11% camphor in the USA.

It's very good for keeping tools and guns from rusting, keeping spooks out of closets, and makes an awesome cleaning solution. Camphor cures cancer, this is primarily why the FDA was motivated to essentially ban camphor. Camphor also can virtually bring back someone on the verge of death if injected, and was used for centuries in such a capacity. Buddha called camphor "One of the 7 great substances". I agree, there are a lot of spiritual benefits to camphor. Camphor is very potent against cold/flu, or astral intrusive thingamagigs. The fact is, negative entities simply do not like camphor. It's a great tool in the arsenal. I remember always being cured from colds as a kid when my mother put camphor on my chest area, and some in the steam mist thing. Always worked wonders.

I got a little secret that helps you prevent cold/flus. Order some real Tiger Balm White from Thailand on Ebay (not the fake US one), the original one, with Eucalyptus as well as the other stuff, including a lot of camphor. During the cold/flu season, walk around with it dabbed on your nose, under your nose, behind each eye, a dot on the third eye, and a dab on your neck.. Do the same thing if you ever feel you may be getting something. It works great!

Malcolm wrote:
FYI Re: camphor

2.1 Main risks and target organs
Central nervous system (CNS) and kidney: convulsions followed by depression, and renal damage may occur after intake of relatively small amounts of camphor may occur. The main risks are apnoea, asystole, and severe post-convulsive coma. Toxic effects appear after the ingestion of approximately 2 g (lethal dose LD adults: 4 g; children: 1 g of pure camphor).
     2.2 Summary of clinical effects
Clinical effects are: gastric irritation, colic, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea; anxiety, excitement, delirium, and epileptiform convulsions; apnoea and asystole. CNS depression follows the excitatory phase, and may result in coma or, rarely, death. Anuria may occur. The breath has the characteristic odour of camphor.
     2.3 Diagnosis
Poisoning by camphor is associated with an initial excitatory phase, with vomiting, diarrhoea and excitement, followed by NS depression and death. A characteristic odour of camphor is present on the breath. The symptoms may appear 5 to 90 min after ingestion depending
       on the product ingested (solid or liquid)

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