I recommend Mag-Tabs SR which uses magnesium lactate in a sustained release 
tablet.  Part of the problem with magnesium supplements is that they are 
hydrophilic to the intestines which can easily cause purging (hence the use for 
constipation).  From what I have read a problem arises because to be properly 
absorbed magnesium must spend a certain period of time in the intestines and 
the purging cuts this short.  Hence most magnesium supplements cause further 
magnesium deficiency rather than helping to correct the problem.

Before starting with a magnesium supplement it would be a good idea to do some 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: bodhisattva 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 10:41 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>arthritic pain

  80-90% of all people are Magnesium Deficient.  I recommend Magnesium-Citrate 
supplements for everyone, and it seems to clear up joint pain pretty quickly.. 
My wife gets flareups everytime she stops taking magnesium citrate. It used to 
be in our foods more, and is not.. It used to be more concentrated in salt, it 
is not, himalayan does have trace amounts, but not enough.

  People used to eat more magnesium rich foods than they do today.  I recommend 
magnesium for everyone these days.

  Kathy Tankersley wrote: 
    My clucosamine/chondroitin/msm is not working for joint pain anymore.  
Someone on this list said they use something else, does anyone remember what it 
is?  If not, I could really use some suggestions as to what to use.      