Bodhi writes:
> > Bovis is a measurement of spiritual energy, life energy of anything. 

Jonathan counters:
> With respect, this is not a bona fide measurement by any objective
> standard.    The "measurement" is whatever the dowser or sensitive says
> it is.    It would be nice if there were some objective way of measuring
> the claimed force.

Reasonable point, Jonathan... However, not impossible to test for, I

If several dowsers or sensitives give the same number (within a
tolerable margin of error) for some unknown object held by a
disinterested third party, you would have to wonder whether they're on
to something, would you not?

If we follow up on this subject, it would be best done on the Off Topic
list, please.

Be well,

Mike D.
participant and list owner guy...

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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