The pool grade is dangerous if inhaled so would not be the best type to work with in treating mounds. It's due to the crystalline form of the silica in pool grade, being 85% due to heat treatment. It can cause silicosis of the lungs and probably other problems.

Food Grade is less than 4% crystalline form so much safer although it is still a respiratory irritant and will make some people and animals cough, probably just due to the dustiness.

Although chickens sure do seem to love to roll in it in the summer when lice are a problem for them.

I have bought Food Grade 50# bags from organic garden suppliers.


Renee wrote:
Hey PT.
I use the food grade simply because it's what we have for us. Perhaps the pool grade would be fine for fire ants though. My husband HATES them and would douse them all with gasoline (a VERY quick method of killing a mound) but I won't let him because I don't like that in my yard. Although it's been said that the gas vapors just dissipate very quickly. Still--it stinks, and DE is safe if my pets walk through it. Samala, Renee /-------Original Message-------/ Are you using 'food grade' DE or pool/aquarium grade DE?


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