They are a little bird about the size of a chicken. They also make great burglary alarms as well. If anything approaches the house at night, they make a ton of noise.My folks lived near Huntington,Tx on a small farm and they swore by them.

On 7/21/2010 1:23 PM, needling around wrote:
What is a Guinea... pig or fowl???
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Club Soda Gets Rid of Fire Ants?

We live in the fire ant capital of the world (East TX).  We even have fire ant festival yearly.  We have tried many things...even DE.  It didn't get rid of them.  However, 7 Guineas adopted us 3 years ago and our ant, flea, tick problems are almost non existent now.  We are so impressed with them that we hatched 60 more last Fall/Winter.  We NEVER want to be without them.
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