Can anyone tell me what is going on?  

I have be instructed to distill water twice for a particular purpose.  I have 
discarded the first cup or so and not let the whole cycle run through so there 
is a little water left in the bottom each time.  

I clean the 'pot' between each distilling.  Wiping it out well.

My questions are these.  If distilled water is supposed to be the purest water 
possible why on the second distillation do I still get debris in the bottom of 
the pot on the second processing?  Second, if it is supposed to be a closed 
system why do I seem to be losing an inordinate amount of water as if it is 

I guess there is a third, at the end there are a few black specks in the glass 
jug.  I am assuming these are charcoal bits.  Are they contaminating the 
distilled water?

I'm using the Love model 4 and it is new as is the process to me.

Thanks for any help you can give.