  My opinion is to "alkalise or die" to coin a phrase.  With a dog that
might be a challenge.
I have recommended a maple syrup and baking soda paste to alkalise but it
depends on the appetite
of the dog whether or not they will eat it, some will eat anything and
others won't. There are a number of alkalising
protocols that can be tried. They escape me now but there is probably
someone here that can come up with more.
 I cured a cancerous growth on myself with eating half a lemon three times a
day( gulp it down straight) but I can't feature
getting a dog to do so.

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 8:28 AM, <zzekel...@aol.com> wrote:

>  Just got back from the vet. Exray shows Molly, { 10 yr old,
> Lab--Australian Shep. mix } has cancer in her shoulder. The vet said it is
> the fastest spreading type of cancer. The lungs are next & then she said she
> would only give her 3 weeks.
>    Any idea at all if there is anything that can be done & where is the
> best site to go for information... Thanks, Lois
>   { I'm going to post this on a couple other sites to see if anyone at all
> can help }