

Thanks  for sharing this. Am I really reading that you use a "76 ounce
jar" or is the 7 a typo and the jar size actually 16 oz?





The dentists mix used to be in the archives. I saw it when Mike said the
archives were on line again. In a 76 ounce jar I use 3 Tablespoons of
MSM + 3 Tabelspoons of Xylitol. Fill the jar with EIS, add a capfull of
H2O2 and shake well. I use a capfull of this mix and add 4 drops of DMSO
to brush my teeth.. I believe the Dentist said to saturate the EIS with
MSM. 3 Tabelspoons are pretty close to saturation.


I use this same mix for sinus cleanses except I add 1 drop of peppermint
oil and fill a 12 ounce cup with water.


