At 02:54 PM 8/26/2010 -0700, you wrote:
Lots of questions here! I guess the only "archives" to speak of are the actual emails? I guess this group is intentionally low key.

1.  Ions in solution:

I've read that ionic silver is in pure water is saturated at 13.3PPM. I have also read that there are not ions in the solution, but a combination of silver oxide and silverhydroxide, and that each has roughly 13PPM saturation point, so the total "ionic" silver could get as high as 26PPM. This conflicts with the idea that only 13.3 can be reached. Can anyone explain what the ions are actually doing in solution? Why wouldn't people brew up to 26 PPM if that were the case.

Three. silver ions, silver oxide and silver hydroxide in solution at pretty low concentrations.
Then OH anions probably also adding conductivity.

2.  Filtering:

I use 2 layered white coffee filters to filter my CS. I read filtering may cause particles to clump together, which I guess is called "agglomeration". Is this really an issue? Also, I don't immediately trash the filters. I let them sit in the funnel and if they still look clean, I use them next time. Sometimes they turn weird colors. What is up with that?

Silver ions oxidize into silver oxides when the water is removed.
 "Settle and decant" is far superior to any filter you can reasonably get.

3.  Charred anode:

Why does the anode turn black and look charred after brewing a batch. Is that just the color of silver that is no longer smooth, but roughed up?

## Oxygen produced by electrolysis oxidizes some of the silver ions in that electrodes Nernst Diffusion layer, sticks to that electrode surface and never leaves it. If you overload that diffusion layer with too much current, the oxides will also form in the water as a "Golden Mist"

4. Sparklies:

I think my particle size is real good, and the maker of the gen measured it at 2 to 4 nanometers at CSL. Still it sometimes looks slightly yellow, which makes me worry I am not clean enough in my process, and I am getting large particles. I can see a faint tyndall with a laser pointer in pitch black. In the stream of red light, I can see a tiny flash a light here and there that looks like a tiny dust particle shining in the sunlight while blowing through the air. They are by no means able to be isolated. Are these the same thing as what people call "sparklies"? Is that an indication of large particles?

## There is no *one* particle size and since they don't have much of a charge, many things contribute to collisions and clumping at random as well as crystal growth in super crap falling off the electrodes.

5.  Argyria:

FYI, I think I have a mild sign of argyria. Only in the roof of my mouth their is a grayish area. I keep an eye on it.

## Unless you spend time upside down open mouth gaping at the sun...not likely.
[And I prefer keeping my eyes in their sockets ]

6.  Making CS more effective:

I read that 1 drop of 35% food grade H2O2 per 8 oz of CS can break up particles into diatomic size particles! Is this for real? If this is the case, then what does it matter what kind of generator is used? After adding H2O2, it all ends up the same right? In fact, if you brew to a very high PPM (which would tend to get larger particles), that may actually allow more mass of silver to ultimately end up in the solution after treating it with H2O2. From that standpoint, a bad generator might be best! How do you know you've used enough H2O2? Is it more effective because of the new small particles or for some other reason? I have had IV H202 with no effect. Also, diatomic particles would be smaller than mesosilver?

## No one but Frank knows what meso silver is and H2O2 does different things to different structures at different times over different time periods at different concentrations. "Particles" covers a lot of diverse acreage, descriptions usually simplified and warped beyond belief to "sell" something as a whole that's really only a make it *look* special.


FYI, I use a generator that runs on 2 double A batteries. Very very tiny current. Takes 2.5 days to brew a quart to about 12PPM.


p.s. the digest mode hurts my foggy brain, and now I am trying individual email subscription. I guess I am spoiled using yahoo groups were you don't need to get emails.

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