Hi Pat, I have a friend who was going crazy with  shingles...The med. the 
Dr. gave her did work but it took  8 weeks to ease  them...I asked her if she 
wanted to try CS/EIS & she said she would try  anything...She now has her 
own generator...
  She took only 1 tsp in the morning.  I  can't remember but I think for 
the first 3 or 4 days she took a total of 3  tsp... She used CS topically.  
After I found out about "Brook's Mix" on  this list I made some for her...  
She used that  topically for  awhile & hasn't had a reoccurrence of the 
problem in 2 years + ...{ It was  only a couple weeks for her to clear it all 
If she senses that there  might be a return of them---she takes a little CS 
again & they never show  up... It's hard to tell how much CS someone should 
take because what works for  one may not work for another.... Lois
    Oh-- "Brook's Mix" is 75%  CS/EIS---10% DMSO---& 15% Glycerine... It 
gets warm when you mix it--but  won't explode--Grin.... works great for other 
skin conditions too--psoriasis  etc... {{ Give it a little shake before you 
use it each time..Does tend to  separate }}