uuummmmmmm .... brings more questions :>  But they will have to wait till 
tomorrow :)
good night 

[Okay if the ppm drops a couple of numbers, as it stabilizes, that is still a 
good thing,] 
-Yep, the silver didn't go anywhere, just changed in 'composition' if you like.

[as long as the ppm number does not go up, which would be in the direction of 
"clumping" and lesser quality. Correct ???]
-Nup, I don't believe it's of any lesser quality, just means some of those 
positive charged ions have collided with each other resulting in atomic 
clusters being formed, which I understand are negatively charged.

[So lets say you brewed it at 5ppm, two days later its tests at 7ppm, and you 
sit it on the shelf for one year, come back, test it again, ... will it be 7ppm 
??? ] 
-Personally, I've never had it go up after a couple days, my experience shows 
the readings can fluctuate a tad up or down dependant on water temperature on 
any given day I check my solutions, and I suspect that wouldn't change even 
after many months in storage.

[Its not that Im planning on leaving it on the shelp that long ... but I am 
concerned about storing it for my horse. She is stabled at a barn, away from my 
house, so Im going to be making about a week's worth of CS, and taking it to 
the barn for the people there to give to her on a daily basis.  So I am 
concerned about whether or not storing it that long will cause any issues for 
her. ]
-I don't see how it will cause any issues, other than that solution will have a 
lesser amount of positively charged ions.  This is where/why I choose which 
solution to use for a particular circumstance...do I use a solution 
*immediately* after production to maximise on the ingestion of positive charged 
ions, or do I use a solution that I've had in storage for some time which will 
have a lesser amount of positive charged ions and more negative charged 

[And I was told that I need to store CS in a "light proof" container, such as a 
milk carton -- or at least keep it out of the sun. ]
-I store mine in clear glass containers in a cupboard.
