PT -- EIS and CS are the same thing.  EIS is just the term used here on this 
list to differentiate the product that we make, vs. other silver products on 
market.  Neville was discriminating between the *age* of the product, not 
referring to two different products.

From: needling around <>
Sent: Mon, September 20, 2010 7:20:35 AM
Subject: Re: CS> New Member - Jan

Would you give your 'opinion' on the differences between EIS and CS, Neville?  
It might help to discriminate when to use which one.

----- Original Message ----- 
>From: Neville Munn 
>Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 1:49 AM
>Subject: RE: CS> New Member - Jan
>Hi there.
>You may want to consider experimenting with some solutions...
>(1) Use of a *fresh* batch, which will be when it's highest in electrically 
>charged positive Ag ions, and consuming or administering a quantity 
>after cessation of the brewing process.
>(2) Or wait a couple of days until the solution has stabilized {less 
>electrically charged positive Ag ions present and more particles or clusters}.
>I consider there are two types of EIS solution {as suggested above}, and I 
>believe administering a quantity *immediately* after it's produced is more 
>beneficial or efficacious in some instances.
>As 'oils ain't oils', 'EIS/CS ain't 'EIS/CS' either [opinion], there is a 
>difference in efficacy and/or efficiency between the two, circumstance 
>One may not be, or appear to be, as efficacious as the other, or vise versa?  
>One never never knows if one never never goes is my philosophy, and with one's 
>own machinery one can choose and experiment.
>Just my two bobs worth as a 'backyard scientist'...FWIW.
>Subject: CS> New Member - Jan
>Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 21:41:16 -0400
>I have just joined this group :)
>Basically my story is that I was diagnosed w Fibromyalgia in 1998 ... but I 
>not sought a lot of medical care for it.  I knew that the doctors only want to 
>stick you with a rash of narcotic strength drugs, which I cannot tolerate. So 
>just never go to the doctor. I just put up with it. But it does seem to be 
>getting worse, so I need to do something.  Ive spent a TON of money on high 
>quality supplements ... none of which seem to have helped .... 
>A couple of months ago, two things happened >> 
>1) I went to a holistic chiropractor, who muscle tested me for Bahesia, one of 
>the Lymes Diseases. 
>2) I have horses, and one of my young fillies was sick with EPM.  I joined the 
>Equine Solutions Network group, and got a ton of advice about treating 
>her with 
>CS ... inc info on the fact that CS crosses the blood brain barrier (the EPM 
>protozoa embed themselves in the horse's spinal cord, causing all kinds of 
>neurological issues) ....  The manner in which fibromyalgia is destroying my 
>life the WORST is the manner in which it is messing up my BRAIN.  Im a 
>FOG-HEAD.  Im light headed, feel dizzy, stay spazzed out all the time ... etc 
>... So when they said the CS crosses the BBB, my ears pricked up ... and 
>everything just sounded like I needed the CS as much as my little horse needed 
>it.  MaryAnne on Equine Solutions referred me to this group ... So here I am 
>I just ordered the  Master generator, and it was delivered 
>Friday ... so I really have not even had time to crank it up yet !!!  Have 
>busy with the horses all weekend. But I am looking forward to this, for my 
>and for my horse's sake  :>
>     jan dee