None of the following is given as mediacal advice, just comments and things I 
have done or would try.
OUCH!  With that much trauma to the socket area to remove the tooth - in three 
pieces, it stands to reason that it is gonna take a while for the bone 
"bruising" and trauma to settle down and heal, sort of like it takes a broken 
bone a lot longer to heal than a bad tissue bruise.  The dentist separated jaw 
bone from tooth (bone-like) tissue and a 3 rooter is a task because of the 
angles on the roots  going in different directions.  
>From what you describe and what you are doing - unless you have a foul odor, 
>pus from the empty gum area,  fever, increased swelling or redness or other 
>signs of infection like on the list the dentist should have given you - it is 
>just going to be a healing process.  
Personally, I would probably be gently swishing and swallowing the silver many 
more times a day as it is anti-inflammatory as well as helping kill pathogens.  
I just feel better when I am taking the silver several times a day.
I made and used a zapper on a tooth root and am having good results.  We 
are glad I took the plunge as it is a very positive one for me.
Lower jaw swelling is called "dependent edema" a fancy term for describing the 
fluids from the swelling in the upper jaw running downhill - from the upper jaw 
to the lower one.  You may end up with resolving bruising in the lower jaw as 
dependent bruising is often very deep and will not be seen until it begins 
resolving from the dark to the blue and green and yellow stages.  
It would be wise to keep drinking adequate amounts of pure water and stay away 
from sugars in the mouth as they can feed all the nasty pathogens just waiting 
to set up housekeeping.  
The stitch might have been used to pull raw gum edges back together after that 
rough extraction.  The tissue edges are probably healed but I would not remove 
the stich until contacting the dentist on Monday as I do not know about the 
moist mouth area and stitches.  Leaving the tail on that nylon stitch would 
make it easier to remove later.
Are you only swishing the MMS or are you taking it orally so it can reach that 
area from the inside also?  If MMS is stinging that much I wonder if you would 
be kinder to the open and raw tissues by diluting it a bit more???
Seems common sense to be sure to brush the rest of your teeth, very gently and 
avoid the sore area.  Maybe use Hydrogen peroxide or silver?
I wonder if rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide might also give some 
relief.  I have been using H2O2 in a water moistened mouth with good results 
lately.  Just a thought.
I am so sorry you have had such a tough experience and pray you will feel 
better soon and heal completely.
Keep us posted on your progress as well as what seems to help and what did 
not.  Helps us to know these things.
Blessings from Paula in Palacios
Forwarded Message: Re: CS>Help with tooth extraction pain

Re: CS>Help with tooth extraction pain
Sunday, September 26, 2010 7:36 AM


"needling around" <>


#yiv1296453714 DIV {

Hi Sunny,
As far as I know a "dry socket" is when the blood clot in the socket is 
dislodged.  I found some information on the web at 
I hope this is helpful.
Good luck.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Sunny 
To: Silver List 
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 7:07 AM
Subject: CS>Help with tooth extraction pain

Hi all,   I know no one can give medical advice, I fully take responsibility 
for choosing to follow any 'ideas' anyone may share... as my choice!

I've just had a tooth extracted, upper molar, which required injections of 
numbing stuff into the upper palate, lots of drilling to cut up the tooth and 
subsequent hacking out in 3 sections..and stitches.  It is still painful after 
a week and sore..and some nylon loop has now appeared dangling from the area... 
husband tried to cut it so it would not catch... but it is hard to do with 
scissors.   The dentist didn't say anything about soluble stitches or to come 
back and have them out....I don't want to revisit him to get 'medication' that 
he suggested he would give me if it still hurt after a week.. but I may call re 
the nylon-style unbreakable stitch thread...

My lower jaw was swollen as well...and has now gone down but is bruised..must 
have been dentist manhandling my mouth during the extraction.