Hi folks,

This bounced for being too big. I've trimmed quoted text and forwarded 
it for Sunny... as I think she deserved a break. <smile>

Thank you for all you do to help, everyone.


Mike D.

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Folks, thank you all so much for your wisdom.   I have done some bad 
things in relation to this tooth, like smoking, and eating M&M's and 
cookies... yes.. I felt bad..it was comfort stuff.. and every bite of 
every bit of food hurt... and I just felt so depressed.. [times are 
really though as it is without this] but no excuse..  

However, reading all the advice, I realize that I must take the road to 
healing now... The tooth is I suspect infected, but not with dry 
socket..it's not oozing, it's not bleeding, but there is a lot of 
swelling.. I think just infection from the removal.   The dentist did 
not tell me much and I was too woozy and overwhelmed to ask...  

The pain is now pretty bad.. BUT I just read all of your  mails... and 
immediately drank the MMS I had prepared and not drunk cos there was no 
stuff to make it taste better.. it's not THAT bad with water.. 10 
drops.. THEN I swilled down a glass of CS.. swilled one in my mouth... 
and set the machine to make more.   

Gonna get to making the home made zapper tomorrow...[we do have some 
kind of electrode massager that my husband has had for ages... his ex 
used to use it for her wrinkles!]  and meanwhile... have to take 
painkillers to sleep as no sleep = low immune system = even harder to 
work on..  

AND I also took an antibiotic.  I had a pack of antiboics, a course, 
given to me by a dentist friend just in case, a while ago... I held it 
there.. I hummed and haaad and thought.. shall I shan't I.. and Mr PAIN 
said you must... and I took one...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr  

It's so crazy... I've been trying so hard... not to take any of  this 
stuff.. and going to the dentist, visiting an allopathic, and young, 
cocky, I'm so smart, dentist... who had no idea about how to prepare 
patients... and that we all need lots and lots of information... wow.. 
the info you all gave me really comforted and helped me..  

Paula you sound like you should write a manual for dentists...I felt 
like someone at last was telling me something I should have been told 
by the dentist...  I understood.. that this tooth was a particularly 
hard one.. and that I would have liked to have been more prepared.. and 
perhaps would have not been so stupid with what I put in my mouth..  

I am so desperately in a transition from the old world, and all that 
awful food and stuff.. to a new one where we are muchhealthier.. we've 
had a relapse lately... [and me who was a raw foodie, non smoking 
health fanatic] and this has made me sit up and become  aware...  

Much love to you all... pain getting really bad now so must go to 
thanks sunny x

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------- End of forwarded message -------

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