Jerry Tannant spoke on Coast 7-21-10
-- Dr. Jerry Tennant  972-580-1156 and Dr Mark
-- If your bioterminals average out at -10 mv you are a thyroid patient
until proven ow.
-- At normal body voltage save kidney @ 5 mv: dental infection until proven
-- Proper nutrition and voltage are the secrets to longevity.  *
Is there a tie in to the laser here?
Larry Lytle inventor of the Q-1000 has his book *Health is Light*


On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Nenah Sylver <> wrote:

>  As Dr. Tennant outlines in his book, the amount of cellular voltage that
> corresponds to various states of the cells and tissues—degeneration, severe
> degeneration, inflammation, severe inflammation, and normal—has a distinct
> correlation with biological and physiological processes. This includes pH.
> These voltages aren’t made up by Tennant. They are parameters of voltage,
> measurements of voltage under various conditions that were established in
> the 1940s in Germany by Reinhold Voll, whose work was later expanded on by
> many others. Dr. Tennant has simply laid it out in an easily accessible
> manner in his book.
> The Tennant Biomodulator, which I own, is a biofeedback device that
> restores voltage to the tissues. The frequency and wave shape it emits
> depends on (1) the signals it receives from the skin as the subject is being
> treated, (2) the amplitude of the wave (volume as set by the user), and (3)
> the setting on the device (there are several treatment and assess settings).
> The electromagnetic (EM) emanations from cells always precede chemical
> processes. Yes, there is a correlation between the two—when the EM signature
> changes, it affects the biochemistry; and when the biochemistry changes,
> that affects the EM signature. However, the EM signature changes FIRST.
> Often, changes in the EM signature can be detected before changes in the
> biochemistry can be detected. This is especially true of degenerative
> conditions. In the case of sudden, contagious pathogen infection or
> especially in the case of instantaneous injuries (such as accidents), there
> isn’t enough time between the EM signature change and the biochemical
> change. However, these are exceptions rather than the rule.
> There’s an article I wrote on electromedicine that’s freely available on my
> website:
> I know that people tend to discount stuff that’s free, and from someone
> they know—but this article has been considered so important, it was first
> published in Townsend Letter, then in Nexus, and it’s now being translated
> into German and Korean. Perhaps some of you will read it. I wrote it to help
> people understand electromedicine.
> I bought a Biomodulator to help with chronic pain from whiplash I sustained
> in an auto accident many years ago. The decrease in pain was not merely
> palliative; there has been actual healing involved. (Read the article to
> find out why.)
> I have not only greatly benefitted from it myself, but have personally
> witnessed great improvements in others. One young woman had been injured as
> a child in a car accident. Her femur jutted out of her leg at a 90 degree
> angle. Doctors wanted to amputate but her parents wouldn’t let them, so they
> repositioned the bone and sent the girl home. For 12 years, she had no
> sensation in her knee and surrounding tissues. After three 1-1/2 hour
> sessions, sensation was restored.
> If anyone would like more information on the Biomodulator, please email me
> off-list.
> Best,
> Nenah
> Nenah Sylver, PhD
> electromedicine specialist and author
> The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009)
> & The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)
>   ------------------------------
> [Jim] Although I understand some of the basics, there are wide gaps in my
> comprehension. For example, "cells need voltage".  But the voltage can, in
> the body, come only from the chemical biology of the cells themselves, and
> must be regulated by cells.
> [Steve] Dr. Tennant doesn't explain his claim that all cells in the body
> need between -20 mV and -25 mV. Without an explanation his claim is pretty
> much worthless. But let me make a guess. The optimal blood pH is somewhere
> between 7.35 and 7.45. If blood pH moves below 6.8 or above 7.8, cells stop
> functioning and the body dies.