Thanks. You seemed to have an opinion. I already have 2 scenar units and was looking at the biomodulator as a possible addition. You don't seem too impressed with it and I am wondering what you do like as just a wider field to research before making a major investment.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Norton, Steve" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: CS>voltage meter/ CELL VOLTAGE & Dr. Tennant's book

I try and make a point of not recommending a specific CS supplier and in
this case a specific pain reducer. I don't want to appear to have a bias
and they are only my opinion. What I would look for in a device might
not be what you need. There were several different suppliers mentioned
in a previous discussion on this within the last couple of months. Ode
had a concept for one that might be very useable and lower cost but I
don't know if he is pursuing it. (It would also make CS). Your question
would be better answered by some of the silver-listers that have tried
the different pain reducers.

- Steve N

-----Original Message-----
From: needling around []
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: CS>voltage meter/ CELL VOLTAGE & Dr. Tennant's book

Hi Steve,
Would you mind sharing the names of devices that you feel are as good or

better than the biomodulator?  I am in the market and would be
interested in
your opinion.
Thank you.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Norton, Steve" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: CS>voltage meter/ CELL VOLTAGE & Dr. Tennant's book

I have not said that Dr Tennant's device does not work. I am sure that
it does. At least to some extent. His device is based on well known
technology that studies have proven to provide pain relief and healing.
However there are other devices on the market that are as good as or
better than Dr Tennant's device. What I have taken issue with is his
claims for how and why his device works. Actually, my original intent
was to explain that you cannot measure cell voltage with a voltmeter.
That then led to explaining that the -20 mV to -25 mV referred to by Dr
Tennant is an artificial value used by digital pH meters and absolutely
meaningless relative to the actual voltage of a cell. First a couple of
quotes from Tennant's web site.
"Each cellular biology book gave passing notice to the fact that cells
require a narrow range of pH, but little more was discussed on the
subject. He began to look at pH and discovered that it is a measurement
of the voltage in a solution. It is measured with a sophisticated
voltmeter. If the solution is an electron donor, a minus sign is placed
in front of the voltage. If the solution is an electron stealer, a plus
sign is placed in front of the voltage. The measured voltage is then
converted to a logarithmic scale from 0-14 with zero corresponding to
+400 millivolts of electron stealer to -400 millivolts corresponding to
a pH of 14. Cell are designed to run at about -20 millivolts (pH 7.35).
Dr. Tennant began to understand that cells must have enough voltage to
work and that chronic disease was associated with loss of voltage. Next
he had to find out how to measure the voltage and then how to correct

Ok, so Tennant is referring to the voltage of a pH meter.
"One can tap into either wiring system to measure the voltage in the
organs.  It is difficult to use a voltmeter to measure the organ voltage
because voltage surges about every six seconds.  Thus we commonly use an
ohmmeter to measure and then convert that to voltage.  There are several
devices designed to accurately and reproducibly measure organ voltage
like the Nakatani (MEAD) system, the Voll systems, and the Tennant
Biomodulator.  By placing one of these devices onto a wire known to go
to each organ, one can know the voltage in that organ.
Cells in the adult human are designed to run at -20 to -25 millivolts
and to heal at -50 millivolts.  The minus sign means that the voltage is
an electron donor.  If the voltage drops to the point the solution is an
electron stealer, we put a plus sign in front of the voltage.  Cancer
occurs at +30 millivolts."

If you do a search on the Nakatani (MEAD) system and the Voll systems
you will find that neither measures organ voltages much less cell
voltages. Apparently the Tennant Biomodulator uses an ohmmeter for
measurement and then converts the ohm reading to a voltage.
Theoretically a voltage could look like a resistance if it has the
opposite polarity of the voltage used by the ohmmeter and a magnitude
less than the voltage used by the ohmmeter. However this method as used
would be fraught with potential errors. And even if you got a
measurement, it would not be the voltage of a cell.

What is the voltage of a cell? Not -20 to -25 millivolts. Not -50
millivolts. But -70 millivolts for a resting cell. See:
"The resting voltage is the result of several ion-translocating enzymes
(uniporters, cotransporters, and pumps) in the plasma membrane, steadily
operating in parallel, whereby each ion-translocator has its
characteristic electromotive force (= reversal potential = 'equilibrium
voltage'), depending on the particular substrate concentrations inside
and outside (internal ATP included in case of some pumps). H+ exporting
ATPase render the membrane voltage in plants and fungi much more
negative than in the more extensively investigated animal cells, where
the resting voltage is mainly determined by selective ion channels.

In most neurons the resting potential has a value of approximately -70
mV. The resting potential is mostly determined by the concentrations of
the ions in the fluids on both sides of the cell membrane and the ion
transport proteins that are in the cell membrane. How the concentrations
of ions and the membrane transport proteins influence the value of the
resting potential is outlined below."

There is also a voltage associated with what are called excitable cells.
Excitable cells include neurons, muscle cells, and endocrine cells. At
rest, their voltage is -70 mV and increases to approximately +40 mV when
activated. See Figure 1 at:
"Action potentials occur in several types of animal cells, called
excitable cells, which include neurons, muscle cells, and endocrine
cells. In neurons, they play a central role in cell-to-cell
communication. In other types of cells, their main function is to
activate intracellular processes. In muscle cells, for example, an
action potential is the first step in the chain of events leading to
contraction.[citation needed] In beta cells of the pancreas, they
provoke release of insulin.[1] Action potentials in neurons are also
known as "nerve impulses" or "spikes", and the temporal sequence of
action potentials generated by a neuron is called its "spike train". A
neuron that emits an action potential is often said to "fire".
All cells in animal body tissues are electrically polarized-in other
words, they maintain a voltage difference across the cell's plasma
membrane, known as the membrane potential. This electrical polarization
results from a complex interplay between protein structures embedded in
the membrane called ion pumps and ion channels. In neurons, the types of
ion channels in the membrane usually vary across different parts of the
cell, giving the dendrites, axon, and cell body different electrical
properties. As a result, some parts of the membrane of a neuron may be
excitable (capable of generating action potentials) while others are
not. The most excitable part of a neuron is usually the axon hillock
(the point where the axon leaves the cell body), but the axon and cell
body are also excitable in most cases.
Each excitable patch of membrane has two important levels of membrane
potential: the resting potential, which is the value the membrane
potential maintains as long as nothing perturbs the cell, and a higher
value called the threshold potential. At the axon hillock of a typical
neuron, the resting potential is around -70 millivolts (mV) and the
threshold potential is around -55 mV. Synaptic inputs to a neuron cause
the membrane to depolarize or hyperpolarize; that is, they cause the
membrane potential to rise or fall. Action potentials are triggered when
enough depolarization accumulates to bring the membrane potential up to
threshold. When an action potential is triggered, the membrane potential
abruptly shoots upward, often reaching as high as +100 mV, then equally
abruptly shoots back downward, often ending below the resting level,
where it remains for some period of time. The shape of the action
potential is stereotyped; that is, the rise and fall usually have
approximately the same amplitude and time course for all action
potentials in a given cell."

As you can see, the voltages discussed by Dr Tennant have nothing at all
to do with actual cell voltages. And I don't even want to touch his
frequencies and essential oil assertions.

- Steve N

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