  The fast mode just means no polarity switching. Without stirring it will
make mud if you leave it on and turned up to high. I always use standard
mode and set mine to seven which they tell me will make 20 ppm. I never have
a color or settleing out with even that high of a ppm. I also use a one
gallon sun tea jar as a brewing vessel, it has a spigot on the side to
decant the product. You can cut slots in the lid to keep your electrodes
spaced right and the same for each batch.

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 5:11 PM, Costumes <costu...@dnet.net> wrote:

>  So I could go ahead and give that water (w particles on bottom of jar) to
> SenSee, my EPM horse ??  I would want to filter it for her, however !!
> The first 3 quarts (from the same gallon of DW) had the silver particles on
> the bottom, and they did look to me like they'd fallen off the electrodes
> ... I had it set at 4, and I also had the generator set to "fast" mode.
> When I did the 4th quart (from that same gallon of DW) I set it on 3, and
> also put it on "standard" speed -- and that 4th quart did not have the large
> particles ... but it did have what looked like fine silver "dust" on the
> bottom, but only a small amount about a half inch in diameter on the bottom
> of the jar.  The water is "steamed" ... which Don was asking about ... and I
> still have to figure out how to change the polarity of the electrodes ...
> Will try to work that out with my next gallon of DW ....   Im also going to
> try cleaning the electrodes w paper towel, which might not do as much damage
> to the surface of the electrodes -- meaning that such large particles would
> be less likely to sheer off .... Oh, and will try cleaning the jars like you
> said ... I had not cleaned them.  So you would not scrub the jars out w soap
> and water ????
>      jan
>  ------------------------------
>  Hi Jan.  Usually when there is silver laying at the bottom of the jar,
> that is silver that scintered off the silver bars too fast, and is therefore
> too large-particle to remain suspended in the distilled water.  It could
> have been aided by some kind of film on the interior of the jar, or
> something less than perfect in the distilled water.
> So -- first, I would empty that batch of silver (save it for topical use).
> Wipe the canning jar out with a clean paper towel, rinse with distilled
> water a couple of times, wipe with paper towel again.
> Then -- set the unit up again and set the dial on 3 instead of 4.  See if
> you get better results.  If not, repeat the cleaning process of the jar --
> sometimes it takes awhile to get any films off of the glass.  If the third
> batch still has a lot of silver particles, get another gallon of distilled
> water -- try a gallon from Walgreen.  If after all of that you're still
> getting a layer of silver, call Synergenesis and check with them.  It is
> possible that there's some kind of electrical glitch in the generator -- but
> I would exhaust the other possibilities first.  Usually it's the container
> or the water.
> MA
> P.S.  There's nothing wrong with the clear colloid in the top 3/4 of the
> jar.  You can carefully pour that off and use it orally if you prefer.
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Costumes <costu...@dnet.net>
> *To:* equine_solutions_netw...@yahoogroups.com
> *Cc:* silver-list@eskimo.com
> *Sent:* Mon, September 27, 2010 9:59:28 PM
> *Subject:* CS>[Equine_Solutions_Network] Silver particles on bottom of jar
> Hey,
> Ive started brewing my CS ... using my new wishgranted Master generator ...
> set on 4 ... distilled water from Walmart, as suggested by wishgranted ...
> and glass canning jars.  Each jar that Ive brewed has a layer of silver
> particles laying on the bottom of the jar.  What's up with that ???
> The generator is behaving just like the intstructions said it would, w/o
> any issues ... Green light running all the time and cutting off when done
> ... red test light coming off and on intermittently ....
>     jan