MaryAnn, my Dad (84) had his aortic replaced, and a tumor removed from the 
mytral valve ... back in the spring, in Atlanta.  The whole procedure went as 
smoothly as could be. He was in the hospital for 4 days, and now his heart is 
stronger than ever ... .  Will say some prayers for your hubby  :)

My husband is at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio right now. He will have 
open-heart surgery on Tuesday (aortic valve replacement and cardiac 
myeomectomy). I'll be driving there on Monday to be there for the surgery, and 
will remain in Cleveland while he's in the hospital. Of course, I'm worried 
about the surgery itself, but I'm more worried about the opportunities for 
infections while he's there. So I'm taking a gallon of CS -- is that enough? 
I'd also like to take some CS gel (courtesy of Ode's kit). I don't know how the 
hospital staff would feel about an unknown gel product on the incision itself, 
so I may not get that done until we're out of there. Any advice from anyone 
will be greatly appreciated.