About 6 months ago we had a discussion here or on the off topic list about Prill beads. I purchased some not knowing what, if anything to expect. When they arrived I washed them as the instructions indicated an put them into our water container which we fill with desalinized water.

I can now report some very definite and observable results. I would normally have to drain and use acid on the inside of the container every month or two to remove all the scale that would form on the inside. Not only have I not had to do this, there is still absolutely no scale forming at all, not even a trace.

I had been puzzled by this for a while, but the thread recently on the water structuring through via a vortex in a magnetic field I think might hold the key.

Water undergoing shear in a magnetic field gets restructured. According to Brookes this results in among other things an increase in solubility. I also know that my son uses magnets on his house water which appear to stop all scaling in his pipes by the same mechanism. The only way I know that scaling in my water container could have been stopped is if the solubility of the water was increased so the scale does not form and even will dissolve. Thus I believe that one effect of Prill beads is a restructuring of the water, similar if not identical to that which the magnetic vortex produces.


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