Thanks, Bob. A very good reminder of a healing modality!




From: Bob Banever [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: CS>cetyl myristoleate




       You might want to try some acupuncture.  It can be wonderful for



----- Original Message ----- 

From: starshar <>  


Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 6:52 PM

Subject: RE: CS>cetyl myristoleate


Hi Day,


4+12 yrs ago I limped into an ortho's office, was thrown into an xray
machine, then told my left hip was 'shot' and "you are going to need
that hip replaced".

I 'talked' to various lists, found a post from Brooks, and researched
the various brands. My favorite is from (off the top of my
head). It's a bit pricier than some, but has enyzmes built into the
formula, so no stomach upset. I even ignored advice not to drink coffee.

End of first bottle and I had no limp; was able to at least get around a


The following year, another bottle. I forget now whether I've taken 2 or
3 bottles since June of '06. In between I take Glucosamine, occasionally
some Celadrin (a bit similar to CMO, but not as potent).

I've gone through a bottle or two of collagen capsules, occasionally
some gelatin, and even a bottle of hyaluronic acid. In other words, the
kitchen sink is my protocol!


Somewhere in the past year I discovered I was able to lie on my left
side again! Not always for too long, but better than never. My hip is
not back to 'normal', I occasionally get twinges and I had a flare back
in June that almost sent me back to the ortho (I have not seen him since
6/06). Just as I was ready to break out the bottle of CMO that I have
stored in the freezer, the flareup went away,

I still do not need to take that waiting bottle yet.

My own hip is still attached---yay!


Oh, back to that first yr after the dx, I was still dealing with pain
and lameness, off and on. I had Pete Egoscue's book, Pain Free, and
there were times when I had to follow some of the 'positions' he gives
in that book to let my hips settle and realign.


CMO! I love it, swear by it!







I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis last year.  Didn't have any pain
until about 2 months ago.  I'd call it about a 4 or 5 out of 10.
Have it in both hips.  I seem to recall that someone on the list had
success with cetyl myristoleate.  anyone remember something about it?

Day Sutton