Now, I do feel it necessary to give this one warning.  I've never heard
anyone else ever say this--but since I 'know' the lady and know she is
telling the truth, I want to make sure people know this.  I only recently
found this out, so have to remember to start telling people.

She was very crippled.  Just about having to crawl on the floor as she
couldn't stand.  She got the Egoscue book and tried it without anyone there
to 'spot' her.  She got down and was in so much pain she had to get up--and
couldn't!  She was in one of the positions and just froze, and had to lay
there in terrible pain for 20 minutes.  Knowing no one was coming to her
rescue she forced herself to turn over and crawl on hands and knees to a
chair that she could hold to get up.  

So her advice was to never do these unless you have someone there to help
you 'just in case'.  Personally I think for 99.9% of the people doing these
stretches alone would be fine.  BUT--now you are aware of this problem and
it's probably just a good idea to not try them until you have someone around
 just to be safe.  
