Guess they have no worms in Ireland....just like snakes.

From: PT Ferrance <>
Sent: Tue, November 2, 2010 10:10:16 AM
Subject: Re: CS>sick dog

Now Guinness is the kind of medicine I would like to take.  Why can't they come 
up with this kind of dosing for humans???

 From: Gaiacita <>
Sent: Mon, November 1, 2010 10:11:48 PM
Subject: Re: CS>sick dog

on the CS list for pets, there was a few posts about giving a specific type of 
beer to dogs to stop all parasitic worms--you must have the Irish imported 
Guinness with the black label on the bottle.  not extra stout, but a different 
name which I can't remember right now.  the dose rate was 1 ounce of beer to 25 
pounds of dog.  it was allowed to set out so that it became flat (so it didn't 
make gas in the dog) and then it could either be given directly as a drink or 
poured over food.  it was also said to cure 

ehrichisis (sp).  it is given once, and then 2 weeks later given again.  after 
that it is given once a month.

in the case of heartworms, the dog is checked in 2 months for worms in the 
stage, and if found, then the original dose (twice the first month) was given 

it kills the parasites by being seen as food by them,  so they don't reject it, 
or send out poison trying to get the dog to stop taking it (like medicine does) 
but it makes them sterile so they can't reproduce.  it is said to work on all 
but whip worms, if I remember right.  

since ehrichisis comes from ticks, we were also told the beer helped control 
that disease.  the lady that posted these messages is no longer on the group, I 
think--at least she hasn't posted for a long time.  but if you join the group 
you can go back and read the original messages about this.


On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 8:51 AM, Kathy Tankersley <> wrote:

Probably about 20 pounds
>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: PT Ferrance 
>>Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 8:09 AM
>>Subject: Re: CS>sick dog
>>What is the weight of the dog?