>> Hello!
>> I am starting to learn about colloidal silver.
>> I would like to learn how to make colloidal silver.
>> Some people say to make your own CS and *use* salt
> in the water (to speed up the electrolysis).
>> Others say to *never* use salt--it makes big particles,
> makes a chloride, etc. .
>> Do you know of anyone who has **"proved"** which way is
> correct?
>> Can you suggest any websites regarding this?
>> Thanks for your help.
>> David

Dear David, Hi!
I`m Marsha, one of the oldies on the List, and I`ve been using CS for well
over 3 years now. I was a Lyme sufferer for nearly 6 years. I first found
out about making CS with salt, and that is what cured my Lyme after all the
antibiotics couldn`t. Later I learned that salt really isn`t necessary, so
now I make it without. Both work!
I can send directions for the simple generator, if you`d like, and others on
the list have one you can buy reasonably.
Welcome to the list, and I`ll be hoping that CS will help you out as well as
it has me!
Marsha, in Vallejo, CA

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