Thank you, Diane,

Every little bit helps! I'm glad it gave you relief!

Be well,

Mike D.

> HI Marsha, David and all,
> I have an anectdotal story that I can relate tonight. I have very
> sensitive skin and just the pressure of something against it can
> cause something called contact hives. I've usually taken a Benadryl
> for the itching that occurs when this happens. Today I put some of
> my homemade CS (says she proudly) on the area and the itching
> stopped within moments. I still have a few of the red raised marks
> on my arm but the itching is gone. I can't show proof that a
> scientist would want but my own experience is good enough for me. In
> the past when this happens I end up just scratching and rubbing the
> areas till the condition is much worse and until the Benadryls work.
> This is a very happy revalation for me. Once my brother asked me why
> there was this long red mark on my neck and I couldn't think why
> either till I remembered that the shoulder harness had pressed
> against it when I drove my car earlier that day. 
> FWIW. 
> Thanks for listening and helping me to learn more about CS.
> Diane

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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