>The problem is, while NOW I can understand and begin to compute much of
>you are saying, when I first came to this list, I was way too fogged over
>ANY of it.
>>Marsha can attest to the fact that I had to call her, even after her
>to figure out how to hook up the leads to start making silver.   (I'm not a
>stupid moron
>normally, either)
>>Makes it overwhelming, and intimidating to see all the "techie" stuff at
>that point in time.
>All I cared about was getting better.   Which I am now, much!

Dear Sparrow, Hooray for you! Go Girl, get totally WELL!
PS, I delete so many of the techie posts, they are just way past me...and I
went to college!
I`m just glad the gadget the good Lord sent me works...

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