Not being a biological chemist or whatever I wonder how could that be so?  Due 
to biological complexities within the body I would have thought tests in vivo 
would be more accurate/applicable to those of a test tube or petri dish?  There 
would be many, many actions, reactions, and interactions occurring within the 
body to/with any substance ingested.
I assume you're referring to our intestinal flora when probiotics are spoken 
of?  In which case there would need to be some literature available indicating 
'how much', and in 'what form', or 'what type' that silver solution is/was in 
when ingested indicating the destruction of our beneficial flora?
Can't speak for the product referred to in that article, but I seriously doubt 
what we make in the home will have much effect on our beneficial flora.  Unless 
praps one were to ingest 10 litres a day for an extended number of days?  But 
even then, I haven't found any articles relating to 'how much' of home made 
ionic/colloidal silver would need to be ingested before killing our flora?  
Plenty of assumptions, anecdotes, and 'recommendations' from mainstream 
authorities for the amount of 'colloidal silver?' being ingested, but nothing 
referring to the product we make in the home I don't think?
What's publicised and sold over the counter as 'colloidal silver?' compared to 
what we make in the kitchen using LVDC and DW are like chalk and cheese to me.
The term 'Colloidal Silver' is a very, very large broom, and sweeps up 
*anything* containing the slightest sniff of silver.  Even our TGA couldn't 
supply me infomation relating to the stuff we produce, by the methods we 
produce it...because they simply haven't got any!  They waffle on about some 
shiela who turned blue or whatever - but do you think I can find a picture of 
that woman on their website...NO I couldn't!  And we all know *who* that woman 
was they reference, and *why* they don't supply a photo, or any other 
information about her.
It's all mostly deception and misleading information to suit a particular 
agenda to me David, all put out there for those of us who are involved with 
this stuff to choose to believe 'this' or 'that'... without them actually 
providing any credible information.  I apply that same philosophy to 
marketers/promotors as well.
Oops, think I might have digressed here a tad.

Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 18:23:07 -0800
Subject: Re: CS>some info on BYU kill study

Also note that getting in vitro results that dont kill probiotics is actually 
more impressive than getting it in vivo.
