We have investigated...and researched.....this phenomena
quite intensely.  However, most of our work was prosecuted before
2001.  Our very best, and immediate,  positive responses were achieved
via varying combination of Colloidal Silver, hydrogen-peroxide,
(and/or sodium perborate), DMSO and sodium-bicarbonate  fractions. One
of the more effective protocols demonstrated to be as follows:
brushing teeth with soft-bristle tooth brush covered with sodium
bicarb or sodium perborate and rinsing with clear water (quite
frequently, extensive bleeding of the gum presents.....a natural
condition given the extensive bacterial insult and swelling of the
tissue beds);   next,  gargling full-strength H202 (about a
tablespoon) for about 20 seconds and expectorating foam and residue
(did not rinse afterward) ;  next, using 90%  10 ppm CS (by volume) X
10% Full-strength DMSO (by volume), gargle about 2 tbls. for
approximately 20 seconds and expectorate.  DID NOT RINSE THE MOUTH.
This protocol was repeated three times daily (about 3-4 hours between
each routine).
           Sensitivity of the tooth X gum interface occurs quite
frequently (in the early stages of this treatment).
           Our investigations covered about 24 calendar months and
successful......even against advanced cases of "trench-mouth" type
bacterial presentations.
            We were never challenged by a case we were not able to
positively reconcile....
using this type of protocol.  A majority of ALL cases were pain-free
within 5 days and
experiencing "tissue-tightening" around the teeth by that time period.
                           I hope these comments are of some value to
you in your personal health, experimental researches.
                             Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

p.s.  Incidentally, we developed a very simple variation using most of
the components (excepting the sodium-based fractions)....for
addressing a wide spectrum of ear insults----
with UNIVERSALLY POSITIVE results.   Some, among children especially,
had proven to
be non-responsive to the entire litany of antibiotic-based family of
patented drugs....and had
been lingering for 6 to 8 weeks----with NO favorable
resolution.-------responded TOTALLY,
within less than 24 hours

p.s.  Our researches have served to magnify the ridiculous state of
affairs presently extant within the allopathic community-----most
especially for conditions responsive to some of
the most fundamental....inexpensive......methodologies.
        Please remember.....we DO NOT GIVE MEDICAL ADVICE or prescribe ANY form
of medical treatment----for ANY condition.  The foregoing commentary
is based upon our

On 4/2/11, Guyot Léna <drumr...@stny.rr.com> wrote:
> Google oil-pulling. One really good regime among many. Get Closys II
> tooth-paste and mouth wash (Walgreen's).
> On Apr 2, 2011, at 9:52 AM, martsmai...@aol.com wrote:
>    Please give information for 54 year old woman with infected gum
> disease. Her teeth are falling out it is so bad. Any ideas on how to
> help her immune system

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