With all due respect,the gum disease that,s causing your teeth to fall out is 
only a sympton of a larger causive factor. Without knowing all of your 
particular issues, i would venture to say that this so-called"problem" is not 
your only concern.Our bodies are comprised of over 102 minerals.which are 
needed to maintain optimum health. We stay healthy,(disease-free), by putting 
high quality "live"minerals,enzymes etc. into our bodies,thru our food , liquid 
and "raw" supplement intake,daily..When our "diet" is not suficient in a 
mineral such as calcium - our magnificient bodies will continue to work for us 
by taking what it needs first from an abundant availabe source, i.e.,the 
teeth. Calcium is stored in the teeth as well as in the bones.Calcium helps 
your heart heart to beat, keeps blood clean, tones the entire body and is 
commonly refered to as the "knitter",for obvious reasons..
     There are at least 4 important steps that have to be taken in order to 
help reverse
"gum disease" and the accompanying inflammation that will stablize the teeth 
and keep the rest from leaving its home base. Unfortunately, i have an 
appointment @ this time.
 However, if you wish to get in touch with me. I can be reached at 516-462-7354 
monday thru saturday:  M-F 9am-4pm , Sat.9am-12noon
Please keep in mind that "time is of the essence!"
    and remember
"You are responsible for Your Own Health"!
Doctor Storey,C.H.N.P.


  Please give information for 54 year old woman with infected gum disease. Her 
teeth are falling out it is so bad. Any ideas on how to help her immune system