LOL!!  What a great story, Dan!  :-D

From: Dan Nave <>
Sent: Fri, July 1, 2011 12:34:05 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Earthing

Quite a few years ago my friend was trying to drive his car into the
garage at night after a late night at work.  There was a bit of a
grade up his driveway to the garage and as it was the depths of winter
in Minnesota the snow and ice on the driveway prevented him from
getting the traction necessary to make it up the driveway.  Just as he
was about to give up hope, the lady (and I use that term loosely) from
2 doors down showed up walking down the snowy alley in her bare feet
and a thin nightgown.  She laid one hand on the trunk and pushed his
car up into the garage.  He hasn't been the same since...

So, it is possible to walk barefoot in the winter ........for some....  ;-))


On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 10:05 AM, sol <> wrote:
> PTF wrote:
>> A colleague of mine has a patient who started Earthing and he said all of
>> her considerable allergies disappeared.
>> PT
> Well, I guess I need to try this while it is summer.  It isn't toxic and
> can't hurt, so why not?
> But I confess I can't see anyone practicing it in the snow at 15 below even
> without a howling wind, or even when it is very cold without snow.
> sol

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