Hi, Lena..  Dr. Wm. Douglas is pretty reputable.  I get his health
newsletter but it seems almost all of these alternative doctors sell a
line of products nowadays.  I had achilles tendonitis years ago for
over two years (it is miserably painful) and cured it with the Lane
Labs Benefin brand of shark cartilage. The FDA has since shut down
their Benefin brand.  They still make a shark cartilage product but is
is pricier than the Benefin was.  My family doctor was astonished at
my cure as was I..lol..  it was terrific.  And it has never returned.

I might suggest you try something a little less pricey and.. if it
works, you will be ahead of the game and.. it sure can't hurt you.  I
started taking Hyaluronic Acid and wow...  it is terrific stuff.  I
broke my back in an auto accident years ago and have searched for
years for something to give me pain relief.  The shark cartilage
helped a lot but nothing ever got rid of the pain entirely.

I started off with two HA caps per day.  It helped some .. then I went
to 2 HA caps in the am and 2 in the pm.  What a difference.  It not
only helped my back, it also helped my neck & shoulder, my hip.. on &
on.  Go to Vitacost and read the reviews.  Also the Swansons brand.
HA is a little pricey but it is a natural substance that your body
normally makes (less as we grow older).  You might need to take some
ibuprophen to help with the inflammation temporarily.

Here are the two brands I am familiar with (read the customer reviews).

Two old-fashioned remedies I have used for various
joint/swelling/sprain/pain issues over the years are  1)  castor oil
packs (available from Baar.com) and  2) organic apple cider vinegar
and Kosher salt (or any coarse salt w/o additives) compresses.  Make a
thick paste of the salt & cider.. soak a gauze pad with cider.. add
the paste and place on the injury for 1 - 2 hrs once/twice per day.

Hope this is helpful.  If I can be of help in any way, just give me a
holler.    Lola

On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Guyot Léna <drumr...@stny.rr.com> wrote:
> Hi Friends in these Groups,
> I've been wrestling with achilles' tendonitis, and my helpful hubby found
> this.
> https://www.realadvantagenutrients.com/p/Ultimate_Tendon_Support.htm?pg=WRANM9CL&utm_source=RANSepFAF2011&utm_medium=RAN+Sep+FAF+Sale&utm_campaign=FAF0911DD2
> When things have a large price, and I have to scroll on and on, looking for
> info and/or ingredients without really finding anything but more spiel, I
> generally dismiss them, but this came to him through a fairly reputable
> source, so I'm wondering if anyone here has used this? And if so, to what
> effect?
> thanks for any info.
> Be well,
> Léna

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