Hi, Lena... I think I had just 'normal' (if you can call it that..lol)
tendonitis.  It has been a while (almost twenty years) but the worst
pain remember having was first thing in the am, getting out of bed,
standing for the first time and then 'gimping' down the hall, bracing
myself on the walls.  I had to walk on tip-toe on the bad foot,
couldn't bear any pressure.  Then, as the day went on, the pain would
ease somewhat.  I have no stairs in my house, but just thinking about
going up or down steps with the horrible pain isn't something I would
have tackled back then, I bet.

Although the Dr. dx achilles tendonitis, I have often wondered if I
didn't have plantar fasciitis since I did have arch pain also.  Who
knows?.. but the Lane Labs Shark Cartilage sure got rid of it.

I subscribe to Dr. Williams newsletter and he spent the whole
newsletter in Dec. 2004 addressing Lyme disease.  He noted a "six
month study that showed that cat's claw (uncaria tomentosa) was more
effective than antibiotic therapy in eliminating the Lyme spirochete.
12 of 14 sufferers in the study tested negative at the end of the
study.  The product used is marketed under the Samento lable by
NutraMedix at www.nutramedix.com.  Their product differs from other
cat's claw products in that it is devoid of certain chemicals called
tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids (TOAs) that can be harmful to the human
central nervous system and negate the positive effects of the herb.
It is extremely important that you are very specific in choosing the
right cat's claw product if you want to be successful. He has no
financial interest in the product.  It comes in either liquid or cap
form (caps being phased out).  The successful dosage  is generally 5
drops added to 4 ozs of water taken 3 times per day (total 15 drops
daily).  You may have to work up to this dosage. Two other sources he
mentions are .. Vitamin Research Products at 222.vrp.com and
Nutricology at www.nutricology.com . Nutricology's product is call
Prima Una de Gato."  This info is over 6 - 7 yrs old so... ck

He cautions that "in severe infections, you may experience a
Herxheimer reaction for several days or a few weeks, depending on the
severity of the infection.  You can help minimize this by getting lots
of rest, drinking plenty of water, making sure bowels are moving
regularly and using supplements that support the liver such as NAC and
milk thistle extracts.  If reaction is too great, reduce the dosage
and gradually work up to the higher dosage over a week or so until the
reaction begins to stabilize."

"Cat's claw can lower both blood sugar levels and blood pressure.  If
these are potential problems, you may need to monitor them more

"Cat's claw also stimulates the immune system and helps it work more
efficiently, so don't use it if you are taking immuneosuppresant drugs
(to prepare for organ/bone marrow transplants."  Also ck w/dr if you
are pregnant..etc.

"To completely eliminate it from the body, you will probably have to
keep taking the cat's claw for at least a couple of months after all
your symptoms have cleared.  It is not unusual to continously take the
supplement for as long as 8 - 16 months.  If you stop too soon,
there's a great likelihood of a relapse.  The Q-RIBb test can confirm
that the Bb spirochete is truly gone from your system."

"Avoid alchohol consumption and avoid all products containing
aspartame (Nutrasweet).  Some researchers now feel that aspartame
impedes the removal  of the Bb spirochete and allows it to remain
'locked' in the body tissues.  Some doctors have found that cat's claw
alone doesn't resolve Bb completely and they are using the herbal
extract artemisinin.  The recommended dosage is 1 cap (100 mg) taken 3
times per day w/o other medications or supplements."  . that is..
taken alone, away from food and supplements. I have used artemisinin
and it is a fat soluble herb so I take a 1/2 tsp of coc. oil with the
artemisinin.  Nutricology makes a good artemisinin product, available
from BetterHealthInternational or from Vitacost.

Sorry to be so lengthy but I do think this was important info and I do
trust Dr. Williams.  I only hit the high spots of his six page report
so if you need additional info, just contact me.     Lola

On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 7:04 PM, Guyot Léna <drumr...@stny.rr.com> wrote:
> Hi Lola,
> How very kind of you to take time to offer these helpful suggestions! Thank
> you!
> I love Swansons' and as a Lymie, am a frequent customer. =( I'll definitely
> track down shark-cartilage! That should be helpful for the many areas Lyme
> likes to hide: collagen, the tendons, and joint cartilage.
> As we'll be on RVing on the road very soon for perhaps 6 months, I'm
> acquiring things not easily found in the corner big-box drug stores, so I'll
> be ready for that whatever hits me, whenever, wherever.
> I've always had castor oil and flannel on hand but have been loathe to use
> it because of the mess. The ACV and Kosher salt sounds a bit easier, (and
> i'd enjoy smelling like a pickle!=)
> Lyme offers so many different issues to address, that I tend to try to
> improvise and/or tough things out, because Lyme's like New England weather:
> subject to change at a moment's notice. This tendonitis is sporadic like
> many Lyme-affected sites are: prone to herxing after enough pathogens have
> been killed. Sometimes it's hard to tell if the symptoms are signs of
> infection or merely die-off toxins which must be escorted out. With Lyme,
> life is always a balancing act between hypochondriasis and denial.
> Often, nasty symtoms will arise and then trail off harmlessly after a while,
> and especially after several years of reducing the pathogen load, I tend to
> get a bit blasé about them unless they seriously slow me down. I had one
> summer of plantar fasciitis which went away, but I always carry some arch
> bands, just in case.
> When you had tendonitis, was descending stairs the biggest source of pain?
> Just curious. Mine almost cleared up when we were travelling a couple weeks
> ago and then, coming home brought it back, and I noticed I was most lame
> going down stairs.
> I'll be interested to see if HA is helpful. I'm already taking over 100+
> caps, supps, etc per day, but if something works, I'll work it in.
> Thanks again for all your info. I hope you never have tendonitis again.
> Be well,
> Léna
> On Sep 4, 2011, at 5:09 PM, phoenix23002 tds.net wrote:
> Hi, Lena..  Dr. Wm. Douglas is pretty reputable.  I get his health
> newsletter but it seems almost all of these alternative doctors sell a
> line of products nowadays.  I had achilles tendonitis years ago for
> over two years (it is miserably painful) and cured it with the Lane
> Labs Benefin brand of shark cartilage. The FDA has since shut down
> their Benefin brand.  They still make a shark cartilage product but is
> is pricier than the Benefin was.  My family doctor was astonished at
> my cure as was I..lol..  it was terrific.  And it has never returned.
> I might suggest you try something a little less pricey and.. if it
> works, you will be ahead of the game and.. it sure can't hurt you.  I
> started taking Hyaluronic Acid and wow...  it is terrific stuff.  I
> broke my back in an auto accident years ago and have searched for
> years for something to give me pain relief.  The shark cartilage
> helped a lot but nothing ever got rid of the pain entirely.
> I started off with two HA caps per day.  It helped some .. then I went
> to 2 HA caps in the am and 2 in the pm.  What a difference.  It not
> only helped my back, it also helped my neck & shoulder, my hip.. on &
> on.  Go to Vitacost and read the reviews.  Also the Swansons brand.
> HA is a little pricey but it is a natural substance that your body
> normally makes (less as we grow older).  You might need to take some
> ibuprophen to help with the inflammation temporarily.
> Here are the two brands I am familiar with (read the customer reviews).
> http://www.vitacost.com/Vitacost-Hyaluronic-Acid-with-BioCell-Collagen-II
> http://www.swansonvitamins.com/SWU279/ItemDetail
> Two old-fashioned remedies I have used for various
> joint/swelling/sprain/pain issues over the years are  1)  castor oil
> packs (available from Baar.com) and  2) organic apple cider vinegar
> and Kosher salt (or any coarse salt w/o additives) compresses.  Make a
> thick paste of the salt & cider.. soak a gauze pad with cider.. add
> the paste and place on the injury for 1 - 2 hrs once/twice per day.
> Hope this is helpful.  If I can be of help in any way, just give me a
> holler.    Lola
> On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Guyot Léna <drumr...@stny.rr.com> wrote:
> Hi Friends in these Groups,
> I've been wrestling with achilles' tendonitis, and my helpful hubby found
> this.
> https://www.realadvantagenutrients.com/p/Ultimate_Tendon_Support.htm?pg=WRANM9CL&utm_source=RANSepFAF2011&utm_medium=RAN+Sep+FAF+Sale&utm_campaign=FAF0911DD2
> When things have a large price, and I have to scroll on and on, looking for
> info and/or ingredients without really finding anything but more spiel, I
> generally dismiss them, but this came to him through a fairly reputable
> source, so I'm wondering if anyone here has used this? And if so, to what
> effect?
> thanks for any info.
> Be well,
> Léna
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