If the power of energy can do this, it can undo this. Perhaps, if you hold the intent that your own energy remain neutral (just this once, for the highest benefit), things might change. As a Reiki master, when I send Reiki I always intend that it only be received if the sendee is willing. (In short, I have 'my people' talk to 'their people'.) I can feel the difference by the energy flow, if it is blocked at the other end. You might also want to contact Masaru Emoto. I'm sure he'd be delighted to talk with you!
Be well,
On Sep 9, 2011, at 1:15 PM, Marshall wrote:

I did the first run. Ran into a big problem. I ran a baseline on distilled water, tested it as a sample to verify the baseline was stable and after running the sequence of 10 samples, ran the baseline again as a sample. The second time I ran the distilled water baseline, it showed that the water was structured!!!!!!!!! So I had to throw out all the previous measurements. I thought it must be some type of instrument instability.

I started running the experiment again, running a baseline before each sample. But when I did that each sample after the first one showed the curve the wrong way and getting bigger each time. I finally figured out that since I have healing hands which continually put off healing energy, simply handling the samples and the baseline water were structuring the water, basically turning it into Holy water or something similar. That is I am adding my energy signature to each sample when handling and pouring each one from the jelly jar to the measurement vial. It is also possible that the signature is being impressed on the quartz vial as well, I know this is possible because of my experience earlier with a vial getting messed up by having Reiki done on it. Also quartz is known for holding energy patterns and programming.

I am stumped now. It appears that all the samples that I had left overnight are now contaminated by my energy signature. I will have to think about what to do. I will definitely have to rerun the experiment with fresh water. I may have to find someone who is not emitting energy to do the handling for me. this time.

If anyone has any ideas on how to get around this please let me know.



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