Hi Mike:

 I am  astonished  to find anyone can get down to 0.3uS.  The  best I
 have seen is 0.5uS, and that is from the local Walmart.

I use high powered rare earth magnets in the double distillation process.

 However, such  extreme purity is simply not desirable or  needed for
 the typical single mom.


 However, none  of  us use this anymore. For  LVDC,the  thing  we are
 worried about  is CO2, which forms carbonic acid. This  will quickly
 raise your 0.3uS to 1.5uS or so.

Having an actual closed production system takes care of this problem, although again not very necessary for a simple generator.

 Silver does  not  oxidize.   Search   google  for  "silver  does not
 oxidize", and you will get over 8,000 hits. Here are some:

Here we'll have to agree to disagree for the moment. The point is rather mute anyway.

For example:

"The equilibrium electrode potential of silver is +0.799 V. This value is only 0.01 V more negative than the equilibrium potential of an oxygen electrode in natural environments. Then by definition silver is not regarded as a noble metal, because it can still be thermodynamically oxidised by atmospheric oxygen at normal temperatures. At standard temperatures and pressures (STP), the thermodynamical equilibrium
of 4 Ag + O2 -- 2 AgO"

-from the ESA Journal, 1989

I can also show you some journal publications with TEM's of silver oxide configurations which must have occured with some relatively simple reactions.

I've never questioned my common understanding of the oxidation process involving silver, as I use ozone and activated oxygen with silver all of the time. I can pretty much prove by physical evidence some very simple reactions.

That said, I'll take a look your alternate viewpoint when I get the chance... I always question everything, and I love being proved wrong... there's a big thrill in improving the accuracy and depth perception of knowledge.

However, I don't see that the point is that relative to anything regarding a basic generator, anyway.

 The electrode  configuration does affect the performance. I  hope to
 clarify this soon when I get the SilverCell web page up and running.

That might be one of your bigger issues. If people purchase standard silver electrodes from somewhere like ccsilver.com , they may not be able to bend them into shape successfully without "tearing them up" with pliars or some such tool.

 > Also, silver particles are not converted into silver chloride.

I don't believe that I stated that they were. Silver ions are leached off by acids, whereby they are then converted into compounds ( in reference to Dr. Bart Flick's work).

 Frank is dead wrong in this. Ions kill pathogens in vitro.

 Particles do not.

As I stated in an earlier email, work done at UCLA demonstrated conclusively that only the electromagnetic information is required to kill pathogens. I noted that particles in the colloidal spectrum have unique properties not shared by simple ion arrangements. Metallic silver can very easily survive the digestive tract. In fact, you may not be aware fo this, but some colloidal-size particles exhibit enzyme-like activities in the body.

However, again, I don't see this as very important to the work at hand. I wholeheartedly agree that Frank is very wrong in some of his suppositions.

 Internally, something completely different happens.  With sublingual
 absorption, the amount of silver in the blood is far to low  to have
 any effect  on  pathogens. We need to study this  further,  since it
 definitely involves the human immune system

Even small concentrations of silver ions contain the electromagetic information of silver. I'm not sure anyone understands from a practical level how oligodynamics work biologically. As far as anyone really knows, the effect could simply be a catylst.

Nebulization is my favorite method of administration, although I am aware that there are some MD's out there who rely soley upon sublingual adsorption.

 High ionic  is the only way to go. Unfortunately,  most  people here
 have no  way  to see this for themselves since  all  the  current cs
 generators have  too   many   design   flaws   to  reach  the needed

Aside from experience with the differences in taste, the salt solution is an elegant solution.

 But the  solution has been under our fingers since the  3  nines was
 originally invented.  All it takes is a slight rearrangement  of the
 design, and we can improve the ion concentration by a factor of ten!

I would really like to see this in a closed system some day, with the ambient air variables removed. It would be fascinating.

 You will  truly  be amazed when you see  how  simple  the SilverCell
 process is.  This is the most significant breakthrough  in colloidal
 silver generators  since the original 3 nines, and I  am  hopeful it
 will have  beneficial  effects   for  those  suffering  from serious
 pathogens that do not respond well to other treatment, such  as Lyme

I found some basic specs on your generator from your website or egroup (can't remember which when I did a search).

You should consider putting together a simple kit as well as DIY instructions.

When you're ready, I'm certain I can help with getting your work recognized.

Kind Regards,


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