If you are referring to the thread about alternating silver and
peroxide...as always, no infallible conclusions, but opinions.  Jason's
opinion was that it is safe to put a 24 hour gap between peroxide and
silver, and the peroxide will be gone by then.  He also said he personally
did not feel great about putting an acidic form of silver such as silver
citrate into the lungs long term, but could understand why others might do
that.  Then if you google "silvermedicine nebulizer" you can see commentary
on a study that showed how various forms of silver are eliminated from the
lungs.  Particles such as those in our homemade EIS were found to accumulate
in the lungs, which may mean it is preferable to have as high percent ion
content and low percent particle content as possible long term.  Besides
that, the only info I know of is the testimony of people who have been
nebulizing EIS and have not had any issues.  I personally feel if people can
gunk up their lungs with cigarettes, than a small amount of
silveroxide/hydroxide particles probably is not a big deal.
