I've used MMS for a few years on and off now.  I've never had any side 
effects whatsoever and yes, you should stop taking Vit.C in any form while 
taking it.  Vit.C can be taken after two hours however.  You should use apple 
cider vinegar, not white vinegar.  I've never used vinegar, always citric acid 
or lemon juice.  Good luck.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: PTFerrance 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 6:54 AM
  Subject: CS>OT - MMS


  I have a couple of questions about MMS for those who use it, if you don't 
mind answering.


  First, when using vinegar will any vinegar do the job. white or apple cider?


  Second, do you stop taking your multi-vitamin while using MMS?  Since most 
have Vit C in them and one is supposed to take the MMS every 2 hours or so it 
would seem that it is necessary to discontinue supplements with Vit C.


  Thanks for any help you can give.
