MMS made me very sick.  I ended up having projectile vomiting for a  day.  
I started very slow with the dose too.  I tried it again several  times and 
had other horrible reactions.
Additionally, I still have big circles under my eyes, that were not  there 
before.  I don't recommend it for anyone.  That is just me  though.



========Original Message========     Subj:   Date: 10/18/2011 6:55:07 A.M. 
Pacific Daylight Time  From: _ptf2009@bellsouth.net_ 
(   To: _silver-list@eskimo.com_ 
Sent on:    

I have a couple of  questions about MMS for those who use it, if you don’t 
mind  answering. 
First, when using  vinegar will any vinegar do the job… white or apple 
Second, do you stop  taking your multi-vitamin while using MMS?  Since most 
have Vit C in them  and one is supposed to take the MMS every 2 hours or so 
it would seem that it is  necessary to discontinue supplements with Vit C. 
Thanks for any help  you can give.