That's a fairly broad statement you've made there, and encourages me to ask...
1. What form of EIS were you taking?  Your own or store purchased? 
2. If it's your own, was it freshly made and consumed in the waking hours 
{which would be mostly silver ions}? Or older stuff from storage {which would 
have lost a percentage of those silver ions to particle structures}?
3. How long is "a while" that you were ingesting it?
I think for your advice to useful you should include (a) What form of EIS you 
were ingesting {if your own then refer to question 2}, (b) How you ingested it 
{swallowed straight down or swirled around mouth for a time}, (c) For how long 
you continually ingested it, (d) Was anything else ingested at the same time 
{vitamins, supplements, pills, lotions, potions, medicinals, and any number of 
other health related stuff}, and (e) What was the measured or metered silver 
content of that solution?  This information may assist an individual in working 
out what may be the best or better option or method of administration for that 
individual with regard to the ingestion/consumption of EIS, with or without 
Disclaimer: I know nil about lyme, but the above would still be relevant and/or 
useful to other individuals, again, with or without Lyme, in possibly avoiding 
something untoward occurring where the consumption of EIS is involved.  I've 
taken, and administered, up to 16 ounces {or 600 odd ml} a day for several days 
and nothing untoward occurred.
Praps undesired effects may be largely dependant on the individual?  Or a 
combination of any or all of the above?  Does anyone know definitively?  I 
suspect not, but information regarding the above points of interest would be 
useful to me.

Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 02:48:30 +0000
Subject: Re: CS>Lyme disease --Thoughts on illness and CS

 I also used a litre of CS a day for a while, and gave myself sterile gut 
syndrome, so I would recommend to you that you don't use so much CS as it will 
kill anything it touches, good bacteria and bad. People usually think it does 
not touch good bacteria, but this is because you have a couple of pounds in the 
gut, so small amounts of CS won't cause any noticeable damage to them, to 
replenish my bacteria I used Kiki Soil Based Organisms, an extremely good 
product with good clinical testing, and am completely back to full function in 
this regard now.

Dave Glover.