Yes, I remember reading the same artlicle many years ago, the parasite was
ascaris lumbricoides, the round worm, quite a large beast when it reaches
maturity. Tapeworms get in the brain too, though the eggs of these
parasites are absolutely minute, and a mosquito bite is enought to transmit
tapeworm eggs directly into your bloodstream. In fact there are about 200
animal diseases of one kind or another that can be transmitted in this way
from horseflies and so on. Toxocara caninis and toxicara felinis are
endemic in all cats and dogs, each cubic centimeter of flesh containing a
great number of these microscopic worms. They love the jelly of the eye and
frequently blind children with weak immune systems, around 200-300 a year
in the UK every year (I used to work for the RNIB - Royal National
Institute for the Blind- as a braille transcriber, so studied various
causes of blindness), though stronger kids and adults just feel a mild
flu-like condition and then your immiune system kills them with white blood
cells engulfing them. I am not sure about the possibility of actually
getting rid of those entirely in humans and pets, rather than just managing
them, but pets are always sniffing and licking and would just get them
again and give them right back, so the best thing is just to strengthen the
immune system, using vitamin D3, propolis and the like, though silver sol
is said by some to have the power to kill worm eggs - I would be grateful
for any confirmation of this. In any case, the baby worms can just go right
through the back of the eye socket into the brain, or up by the hole in the
base of the skull by the spinal column, or through the vascular system, and
just nibble right through. In one African hospital, a Russian soldier's
head actually exploded his head was so full of worms. Thats brotherly worm
love for you, us humans have got to stick together on this.

On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 12:18 AM, Jonathan B. Britten <> wrote:

> Under some circumstances, even relatively large parasites can cross the
> BBB, according to a really horrifying article I read some years ago.
> A child was suffering neurological problems, including swelling that was
> so severe surgery was needed to reduce pressure on the brain.
> A long story made short:  the MD thought he detected the smell of feces
> when he opened the skull, but convinced himself that he could not have done
> so.    In fact he had:  a colon-dwelling parasite had moved into the brain.
>  The child had gotten the parasite while playing in a sandbox with a
> visiting child from a southern state in which the parasite was fairly
> common.  As it was not common in the northern state where the treated child
> lived, the doctor had no basis to suspect the parasite.
> The child died as I recall.    I think that was in an old Readers Digest
> in case someone wants to search for it.
>  On 2012/01/05, at 8:36, David AuBuchon wrote:
> Just a few months ago on a lyme forum a lady had fast developing
> paralysis.  CS reversed it very quickly.  This, and many other anecdotes,
> would suggest that CS does cross the BBB to a meaningful degree.
> David
> On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 3:13 PM, mgperrault <> wrote:
>> Is there information on silver crossing the blood brain barrier?
>>  Informed person says it does.   I witnessed someone putting a poultice of
>> c silver on the arm and this seemed to cause a slightly raised, de
>> pigmented scar tissue like area.
>> If I can vaguely remember, Becker said that silver can de differentiate
>> cells and that skin mediated voltage fields can sustain a re
>> differentiation and thus some regeneration of limb and bone, even
>> cancerous.  I may not have it right, but I dont have the book anymore.
>>  Another part of the conundrum is that when the silver forms brown stains
>> on the colloidal making apparatus, this is very difficult to clean.  So I
>> imagine the silver staining the brain and causing dedifferentiation and
>> this seems totally frightening.  What is uncontrolled de-differentiation?
>>  Perhaps almost a cancer, perhaps a scar tissue, but anyway, not good I can
>> imagine.   Sorry if this has been covered, I looked at the archives but
>> didnt find anything....
>> thanks
>> mg
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