I have made about 16,500 PPM silver citrate.  This appears to be the
saturation point I was able to practically reach in a saturated solution of
citric acid.  A study referenced earlier says 20,000PPM was the limit of
silver citrate solubility.  So it is in the same ballpark.

10 drops sublingually with 20 drops DMSO...no big effect.  Little herx
feelings here and there.  [insert swear words].  I will be avoiding bright
sun light.  Also tried transdermally.

Actually, the very first time I took just 1 drop sublingually and felt some
clear improvement that same evening.  Did not repeat with future doses

The citric acid is so strong it burns.  But it is tolerable.

Going to try to add lots of potassium citrate shift the equilibrium and
delay the release of silver ions.  Also going to try doing it as an oral
spray with DMSO to get more tissue area to absorb through.  Also going to
try liposomal version.  Should help protect me from citric acid burn, and
allow larger doses.  I will not be opening my blinds during the day...