Pardon? Is this Neville you are talking about?  Doesn't sound at all the 
Neville I have been reading all these years!  dee

On 27 Jan 2012, at 20:18, D Glover wrote:

> 'Should we let this die a natural death now?' You say. Understand this; (you 
> don't seem to be able to understand this point which I have already made) a 
> guy asked about uS readings, and he did not even refer to the meter you sell 
> at all, which I never even knew existed either, so you have no cause to feel 
> personally vilified in some way by my advice to that gentleman concerning TDS 
> meters. Rightly, you should have written directly to educate firstly that man 
> who asked that question by letting him, and everyone else via your 
> communication to him, that you produce a different type of meter that you 
> believe can resolve his problem, then you could have recommended your product 
> to him, if that is something that is acceptable on this forum, but that is 
> what you did in a devious and thoroughly unpleasant and round about manner 
> anyway after you attacked my understanding and methodology of making silver 
> sol, and you are trying to sell something here, not me, you are the person 
> with commercial products for sale, not me.
> The guy asking the question was not even talking about the type of meter you 
> were selling anyway, but a TDS meter, and I was right in what I said in reply 
> to him, in referring to the poor type of results he would be likely to get by 
> attempting to measure silver sol ppm with his TDS meter. You have serious 
> anger management issues because you are one irrationally and thoroughly 
> misdirected angry man. Who will you pick on next that is not even posting 
> about you, or to you, or about your products? What sort of 'death' were you 
> thinking of, and of what exactly? I had stopped responding totally to this 
> issue, and here you are again, drumming up a small army of people that you 
> have grossly mislead with your whining, so that I am very sadly once more 
> obliged to respond to your continued drivel.  You are absolutely sickeningly 
> pathetic in that you have shamelessly manipulated these people. They really 
> have no idea of the truth of the matter. So far I have been falsely accused 
> of trying to mislead people into giving up producing their own silver sol, 
> and more. You have to be seriously nuts to come up with rubbish like that, 
> that is just hate filled twisted jealousy.  Your right to 'speak up' extended 
> only to politely offering what you believe to be a superior and different 
> product to a TDS meter, and to the gentleman posting that specific question 
> about how to extrapolate ppm values from uS values.
> On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 7:19 AM, Neville Munn <> wrote:
> I thought by my non response this would die and go away, seems to have worked 
> with some of my questioning in the past...Silence? <g>.
> I'm not leaving, I feared when I fired from the hip earlier the Boss may have 
> had something to say that's all, and I was, and still am, willing to accept 
> whatever comes my way.
> Hmmmm.....I most humbly Thank those who spoke for me, but could we let this 
> die a natural death now? <g> There are plenty of learned people here much 
> more deserving of the written word than me and my arrogant and steadfast 
> beliefs and opinions.  People form their own conclusions on matters and make 
> choices of their own volition, I've formed and made mine.
> Melly is right, "...everyone has the right to speak up", I just excercised 
> that right, in my own way.  It's time people learned to rethink some of that 
> old rehashed misinformation and got dragged into the 21st century by the 
> scruff of their necks.  I think we've all been playing around with this stuff 
> for quite long enough to dispell some of the antiquated information in the 
> public domain, perpetuating it does nothing for this product.
> N.
> From:
> Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 07:44:01 -0500
> Subject: Re: CS>Don't Go
> To:
> In a message dated 1/25/2012 11:44:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
> writes:
> Don't leave us here N.  I've learned a lot from you. 
> Me too !!! I always look for your posts when I have too many to go through.. 
> Please stay with us...Lois

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