I'm not set up for watching youtube on this system (computer doesn't belong to me). but I contracted malaria in Papua New Guinea, where I was born - my dad was a missionary there. Anyways, I had recurrent "shakes", episodes where I was freezing and shaking, throughout my life. Never knew what it was, till I tried to give blood, and they told me I couldn't due to malaria. Since I began using cs regularly I have never had the shakes again.
So it seems likely there is something to this...   Sara

Colloidal Silver Eliminating Anthrax and Malaria - 1/2

1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JongSudd0uc


Colloidal Silver Eliminating Anthrax and Malaria - 2/2

2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKpfcuK0BAo