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From: Oriana Spratt <>
Sent: Sun, April 29, 2012 6:57:22 PM
Subject: CS>UNSUBSCRIBE please....too much!

On Apr 29, 2012, at 9:26 AM, wrote:

In a message dated 4/29/2012 10:37:43 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
>How does one receive instruction in the technique? Are there..."studies"? 
>you for that info.
>>Hi  Jim, I used it & let Bg know on the electricgermkiller sit.--It was put 
>>the archive with my instructions. She asked for pictures of how I built it 
>>but I 
>>never took any & sent them..I should but it is so easy-----I took about 6-8 
>>inches of lamp wire---pulled it in half----cleaned the rubber / plastic  on 
>>end of both wires--{ about 3/4 inches }   I soldered one end of one wire to 
>>pos. post on the battery & one end of the other wire on the negative end.... 
>>the other bare ends I wrapped a small piece of cotton cloth. { I used a 
>>needle & 
>>thread to keep it in place |   I soaked the cloth end of each wire in 
>>water-----Put the cloth end of one wire in my mouth as close to the abscess 
>>as I 
>>could get it & the other wire outside on the big bump on my jaw......I help 
>>in place for 5 mins. then switched positions ---inside wire out * outside 
>>in {thus changing the polarity }  & held it for 5 mins. ..... 
   I did this in the evening before bed time..rinsed my mouth with hydrogen 
peroxide / distilled water & then CS /EIS...   I did the same thing the next 
morning & again in the evening....The next morning when I got up the swelling 
was almost gone & no more problems since...This was several months ago....NO- 
you can't feel a thing as far as electric current passing through the jaw... I 
even used it to cure my Grandson's cold sore & an infected big toe.... Good 
