123 456 <whiteol...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I wonder how much of an influence ones belief system has on the
>eventual success or failure of these treatments,no matter what they
>are called.
>Just an observation.

Very good observation. I think trust and lack of education in basic
principles has a lot to do with it. If you want to believe something, and
don't know how it works, it makes a lot easier to trust. Madoff used that
principle and it cost a lot of people a lot of money.

Health is a similar issue. If you are sick, you want to get well. If
someone offers something that might cure the problem, you tend to want to
believe them. Bob Beck used that to promote the Zapper. He claimed it would
kill all pathogens and parasites, including HIV and other nasties. But he
forgot to tell people that electrons cannot flow in water, and therefore
cannot reach pathogens to kill them. As a physicist, he certainly knew this
fact, but he failed to disclose it the entire time he was pitching his

He also used stainless steel electrodes. This can release hexavalent
chromium in electrolysis. I posted information on this earlier.

But people still believe Zapping works. There are several Yahoo groups
still trying to find evidence that it does anything at all.

Then, of course, there are the financial aspects. If someone has an
interest in selling you something, the sale pitch can promise anything. If
you want to believe it, you will tend to accept anything.

The problem is if someone has a serious illness and gets hooked on some of
these ideas, they could die. Hulda Clark promised she could cure cancer.
She died from it, and a lot of other people did also.

Cancer, MRSA, HIV, SARS, and other threats are real. Some can be treated
successfuly, others cannot. So if you are one of the unlucky ones, you will
tend to grasp at straws and believe anything that promises a cure.

But I'd do a lot of research and look for the hidden flaws that they are
trying to keep from you.

Very good observation. Thanks for posting.

Mike Monett

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