Yes, I was just thinking about the cost of their ‘special digital’ thing—and
how it would work.  You can put just one image on a flash drive, but their
info made it sound like because it wasn’t being ‘seen’ by the machine, it
wouldn’t send rebound messages.  Of course, their green sheet doesn’t show
an actual image, but they were making it sound as if it contained  the
digital image.


But like you—I think the hair sample is fine.  That’s how all the black
boxes I’ve ever seen worked—on spit, blood, hair, a Polaroid even a
signature written in ink by the person.  So I don’t really see a need for
that expensive piece of equipment.





An ABPA A2 can only send to one subject at a time, so a thumb-drive with
other photos would be counter-productive. Again, my ABPA A2 gets the frx to
me using my DNA from hair sample in the input well. That's the way quantum
entanglement works. I still have some Polaroid film for my camera, but
prefer samples. They're more convenient and work just as well. Léna