Look into the organic seeds from www.Johnney'sseeds.com

On 5/31/12, phoenix23002 tds.net <phoenix23...@tds.net> wrote:
> It was in the news a few months back that.. 'they' were going after farmers
> who were saving their seeds to replant from year to year.  Little mom and
> pop businesses were saving, cleaning and prepping for replanting, the seeds
> for various farmers.  They were threatened with criminal charges if they
> didn't cease and desist this practice.  Farmers were also threatened by
> Monsanto.  I thought when you bought a product it was yours to do with as
> you please?  What is the old saying about 'follow the money'? Anyhow, many
> seed companies are now offering 'heritage' seeds for sale which is a very
> good thing and may help to keep the gene pool of 'pure' seeds available in
> case disaster strikes.
> As for GMO's?  Remember the potato famine in Ireland?  When the blight hit,
> because most people had planted the same type of potato, few escaped the
> blight and resultant famine.  The fear is that GMO plants will escape their
> confines thru cross-pollination  and 'infect' all similar crops and no pure
> seeds/crops will be left.  Imagine some plant disease hitting all our corn
> crop because of a common ancestory/suseptibility.
> This isn't the only fear, of course.  The other fear is .. what are these
> wierd gene splices doing to our bodies when we ingest them as food?
> Inserting fish genes into plants to make them more cold resistant??
> inserting pesticides to make a plant more pest resistance?  This isn't
> science fiction.  It is happening now.
> In California, war has been declared on organic, natural farmers with a
> court judge declaring that the milk produced by farmers' cows is not theirs
> to do with as they please.  Huh????    Anyone else see the hypocrisy?  On
> the one hand the government is being heavy handed in dictating what our
> schools must offer in the way of foods and then with the other harrassing
> natural food producers.
> The powers that be gleefully support chlorine and fluoride (known poisons)
> being added to our drinking water but 'sic' the FDA on Celestial
> Seasonings, demanding that they destroy all their teas that contain added
> Stevia, a safe sugar alternative.
> I am not making a political statement but.. am appealing to common sense.
> Until people wake up and become educated and realize that the FDA and many
> government agencies  are nothing but the lap dogs and attack dogs of Big
> Pharma and Monsanto, these outrages will continue.  No.. I don't trust GMO
> seeds/plants and I don't trust any of our government agencies/bureaus.
> Lola
> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Steve G <chube...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>   When they play around with hybrids, I have no qualms, it is just the
>> natural process with some coaxing.    I'm not so comfortable with other
>> methods, but mostly I want nothing to do with inserting weird genes not
>> found in the species.  I've heard that some GMO plants have taken animal
>> DNA of one kind or another and inserted it into plants.  Don't know if
>> that's true or not.
>> So I'm open to GMO if it is not reckless.    So I suppose if the GMO was
>> being done in China, for instance, I wouldn't want to have anything to do
>> with it considering their total disregard for human safety.
>> Steve
>> --- On *Thu, 5/31/12, Melly Bag <tita_...@yahoo.com>* wrote:
>> From: Melly Bag <tita_...@yahoo.com>
>> Subject: CS>This is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato
>> To: searching-alternati...@yahoogroups.com, oleanders...@yahoogroups.com,
>> silver-list@eskimo.com
>> Date: Thursday, May 31, 2012, 10:21 AM
>>    Our tomatoes are in trouble.  Whatever they do they will alter the
>> tomato genetically.  I sincerely hope they do not take out the beneficial
>> genes  as they gmo the plant.
>> Melly
>> ======
>> http://news.yahoo.com/scientists-unravel-tomatos-genetic-code-005438302.html

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