This is good information you provided and I hope people pay attention. No
one knows the full ramification of GMO's on our health, especially our DNA
structure. I've read that the sharp increase in auto immune illnesses are
due to GMO's. GMO;s just have too many unknowns to be consuming it.


On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:20 AM, phoenix23002 <
> wrote:

> It was in the news a few months back that.. 'they' were going after
> farmers who were saving their seeds to replant from year to year.  Little
> mom and pop businesses were saving, cleaning and prepping for replanting,
> the seeds for various farmers.  They were threatened with criminal charges
> if they didn't cease and desist this practice.  Farmers were also
> threatened by Monsanto.  I thought when you bought a product it was yours
> to do with as you please?  What is the old saying about 'follow the money'?
> Anyhow, many seed companies are now offering 'heritage' seeds for sale
> which is a very good thing and may help to keep the gene pool of 'pure'
> seeds available in case disaster strikes.
> As for GMO's?  Remember the potato famine in Ireland?  When the blight
> hit, because most people had planted the same type of potato, few escaped
> the blight and resultant famine.  The fear is that GMO plants will escape
> their confines thru cross-pollination  and 'infect' all similar crops and
> no pure seeds/crops will be left.  Imagine some plant disease hitting all
> our corn crop because of a common ancestory/suseptibility.
> This isn't the only fear, of course.  The other fear is .. what are these
> wierd gene splices doing to our bodies when we ingest them as food?
> Inserting fish genes into plants to make them more cold resistant??
> inserting pesticides to make a plant more pest resistance?  This isn't
> science fiction.  It is happening now.
>  In California, war has been declared on organic, natural farmers with a
> court judge declaring that the milk produced by farmers' cows is not theirs
> to do with as they please.  Huh????    Anyone else see the hypocrisy?  On
> the one hand the government is being heavy handed in dictating what our
> schools must offer in the way of foods and then with the other harrassing
> natural food producers.
> The powers that be gleefully support chlorine and fluoride (known poisons)
> being added to our drinking water but 'sic' the FDA on Celestial
> Seasonings, demanding that they destroy all their teas that contain added
> Stevia, a safe sugar alternative.
> I am not making a political statement but.. am appealing to common sense.
> Until people wake up and become educated and realize that the FDA and many
> government agencies  are nothing but the lap dogs and attack dogs of Big
> Pharma and Monsanto, these outrages will continue.  No.. I don't trust GMO
> seeds/plants and I don't trust any of our government agencies/bureaus.
> Lola
> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Steve G <> wrote:
>>   When they play around with hybrids, I have no qualms, it is just the
>> natural process with some coaxing.    I'm not so comfortable with other
>> methods, but mostly I want nothing to do with inserting weird genes not
>> found in the species.  I've heard that some GMO plants have taken animal
>> DNA of one kind or another and inserted it into plants.  Don't know if
>> that's true or not.
>> So I'm open to GMO if it is not reckless.    So I suppose if the GMO was
>> being done in China, for instance, I wouldn't want to have anything to do
>> with it considering their total disregard for human safety.
>> Steve
>> --- On *Thu, 5/31/12, Melly Bag <>* wrote:
>> From: Melly Bag <>
>> Subject: CS>This is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato
>> To:,,
>> Date: Thursday, May 31, 2012, 10:21 AM
>>    Our tomatoes are in trouble.  Whatever they do they will alter the
>> tomato genetically.  I sincerely hope they do not take out the beneficial
>> genes  as they gmo the plant.
>> Melly
>> ======