Hi There Neville, I have to say that I did not get Debbie was making excuses for how she feels, there are many who are tuned into the Universal energy and regardless of what may be going on in the Universe they feel it - they do not have to know, however with all the technology we have today, we may know too much, so we have explanations for what we feel, as I said we all have to learn how to manage life generally regardless of what is thrown at us - as I am sure you are aware this is no excuse - as you know from what you have written here over the years you also feel the unexplainable from time to time, you handle it in your way as we all endeavor to do - this is life - as we are part of the whole universe not just of this planet we call earth, what goes on above is so below - the times we live in now are all confused, why? there are many answers we can use to try to explain it away, however I do not think any of us are privy to the real happening !!!! At least my crystal ball is not telling me!!!!! smile It is not easy to stay in balance with the swirling going on around us on all levels, we can only do the best any and all of us can -
Blessings and good health to you
Take good care of you
Attitude is everything!!!

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