she actually sounds like someone who has never been less than
100% with her health...

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---------- Original Message -----------
From: Lena Guyot <> 
Sent: Sun, 15 Jul 2012 22:03:25 -0400 
Subject: Re: CS>Solar Flares and how they affect the body

> You can 'make yourself absolutely clear that your not having a go or 
> anything'...twice, in fact, which reminds me of Shakespeare's statement, "The 
> lady doth protest too much methinks." 
> I guess all I can say is why say it at all? It was hurtful and thoughtless, 
> your 'go'.
> I'm truly glad for you, that you only have 'every little emotion or ailment'. 
> Be glad. But don't judge those who have serious illnesses that aren't being 
> properly pursued by the medical community and who are trying desperately to 
> find SOMETHING that point to cause and effect for their misery. They're not 
> trying to blame; they're simply trying to find order in a chaotic situation. 
> Have a bit of compassion. THAT would be a step toward being more positive, 
> yourself.
> And meanwhile, be well,
> Léna
> On Jul 15, 2012, at 9:07 PM, Neville Munn wrote:s
> I want to make it absolutely clear that I am not having a go or anything, 
> but....I feel fine, and I wonder how others would feel fine if they never 
> read anything about solar flares?
> My comment would be...Perhaps the imagination gets a little carried away with 
> looking for answers to a question that doesn't exist?  It must get tiresome 
> constantly looking for something to blame for every little emotion or ailment 
> we experience.  Life is life, be in it.  Accept that and people may feel a 
> whole lot better in and about themselves, instead of looking to point the 
> finger at the slightest excuse why they feel the way they do.  Positive 
> thinking would help.
> Again, not having a go, but it seems to me that people spend too much time 
> thinking about themselves and searching for things to blame for every little 
> thing they feel rather than just getting on with life.  It's almost like they 
> WANT to feel crook in some way for there to be meaning to life.
> When the going gets tuff, the tuff get going!  Don't worry, be happy.
> OK, lay it on me, at least that will take your mind off things for a while 
> <g>.
> N.
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2012 11:21:19 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: CS>Solar Flares and how they affect the body
> Can anyone comment on how they have been feeling during the past couple of 
> days? I notice when the planet gets hit with these flares I experience 
> "extreme fatigue" and body aches.
> Would magnet placement help?
> Debbie
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