David Bolin wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> I apologize for the delay in responding to the requests for the article
> on structured water, but one of the oil drilling rigs in the back yard
> broke into the plutonium mine under the house and my severe attention
> was required.
> WELL, on a more serious VEIN, I discovered the web site where I got the
> article, so you can see it live for yourself:
> http://www.tznet.com/busn/unusual/structure.htm

Thanks, this is a great article:

?The structuring of water has an increased pH and the
ultraviolet spectrophotometer shows increased
ultraviolet absorption because of increased hydrogen

Well, I have seen this with our spectrophotometer, but never understood what
was going on.  Things are now coming together as to how all this plays
together.  Using the spectrophotometer, I have seen similar, but different,
absorption patterns for distilled water exposed to magnetics, crystals,
energized gold plated copper rings (dolphin rings) and rods.  Also we see
similar pattern changes to water when a person with healing touch (Christian
healing, reiki, hands on healing etc.) holds the water or directs healing
energy toward the water.Thus it appears that many of the "miracles" I have seen
with hands on healing could be grounded in scientifically provable
restructuring of the water in the area that is undergoing healing.  If this is
the case then that would explain why one can feel an energy flow until the
healing is complete, the water aborbs the energy until it is fully structured,
then no longer aborbs it, thus cutting the flow off.

Now it all makes sense to me.

Once again, thanks.


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